Your complete guide to strength training. A step-by-step plan to get you sculpted and strong! 

  • 4 months of workouts + a step-by-step plan + learn how to weight train with proper form [includes video & audio cues] Value = $150/month x 4 months ($600 total)
  • Nutrition plan with tips to maximize results Value = $300 
  • 1 Year Access [repeat workout program up to 3x]

My gift to you

  • BONUS lifetime access to exclusive Facebook group for continued support and accountability PRICELESS 

Total Value = $900 NOW ONLY $98 One-Time Payment.

Sign Up Now!

STRENGTH by Julia Glanz is a workout program designed to fit into your life so you can get into a routine, make it a habit and see results that you can sustain year after year.

Full-Body Workouts

Full-body workouts are the most effective way to sculpt your body in the least amount of time. You can simply complete these workouts at home or in the gym - all you need is a pair of adjustable dumbbells. *Full gym equipment reccomended

Cardio Workouts

Cardio workouts compliment weight training to maximize results. These workouts are curated to boost your metabolism and help you recover between weight training sessions. *These workouts can be done outside or in the gym with cardio equipment

Nutrition Plan

These nutrition guidelines will be key to maximize your results. You will learn my top 5 strategies you can implement right away for healthier eating habits. You'll also get delicious recipes + a 5-day meal pan curated to fuel your workouts, help you recover, reduce inflammation and decrease cravings!